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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Listed Vs. Sold

Listed Vs. Sold : What makes some homes sell while others sit month after month after month after month? 

Not only homeowners, but many real estate professionals ask this question as well. Some homes sit on the market while other homes in the neighborhood sell quickly, with multiple offers, and little headaches. Why?
As a real estate professional myself, I ask this question BEFORE I speak to a potential seller. I have to think about selling their house as a competition. Allow me to explain:
When buyers go out  to look for a home, they are looking for a home that offers them their basic needs/requirements plus other features for the best price. This is similar to the way we shop for everything (cars, computers, phones etc). Buyers compare the available inventory and choose a home that gives them the most for the money.

So my job as the sellers professional is to help position their home in the market as the best option compared to all their other competition, other homes for sale. When doing this, there are 4 key categories that I consider key to selling a specific listing:

#1 Exposure to Potential Buyers - Everything from signs, advertisements, open houses, online marketing (syndicated sites, facebook,etc) , websites ,to calling and door knocking - exposure to potential buyer to know about my seller's house.

#2 Exposure to Other Agents - There are thousands of agents out there that may know someone who wants to buy my seller's house. I want to make sure they know about it, and it's features and benefits.
#3 Lifestyle Marketing - It's important to show off the features of the specific house in question. The beauty of real estate is that there is NO house exactly like any other. The benefit may be in the neighborhood amenities, the lot size or location, the handicap accessible apartment, and more. It's my job to make sure that all advertising brings the best benefits to the attention of anyone reading.

#4 Sales Conversion - the skill of closing the sale.  Some agents don't answer their phone, they don't follow up, and they don't know what to say when a potential buyer says "no". The national association of realtors research shows that the majority of sales are made between contacts #8-12 with a potential buyer. Most agents won't call your potential buyers back after 1 "no". While most agents will forget that a buyer ever even called on your house last Thursday (IF they even answered the phone or called back the buyer), I keep a detailed list of every inquiry on every listing. An update is sent to them every time there's a change in the market (ie. interest rate changes) or a change with your listing offering.

Interested in additional information, contact me today, 267-679-5555

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